Our society journal, The South Atlantic Chronicle
The award-winning South Atlantic Chronicle is the official publication of the Society and, as such, it contains original philatelic articles written by members of the Society and others, news concerning the Society itself, and other articles in
keeping with the objectives of the Society. South Atlantic Chronicle has ISSN 1065-6979.
Members of the Society receive South Atlantic Chronicle, which the Society publishes four times a year.
Material published in the South Atlantic Chronicle (formerly the St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society Newsletter) may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor, Mr. John Coyle whose address appears on the Current Officers page.
Members of the Society are invited to submit free "Requests for Information" and "Clearing House" entries to the Editor for publication in the South Atlantic Chronicle. Members may also make arrangements with the Editor for enclosures to be mailed with the journal. Display advertisements are available at $25.00 for a full page, $15.00 for a half page, $10.00 for a quarter page, and $7.50 for an eighth page. Contact the Editor for help in setting up ads.
Articles are solicited for publication in the South Atlantic Chronicle. Deadlines are 15th. December for the February edition, 15th. March for the May edition, 15th. June for the August edition, and 15th. September for the November edition.
Articles for publication can be submitted in any common format (e.g. MS Word, any version, plain text, HTML). Illustrations should be in the JPEG format, at least 200 dpi, and not compressed for the Web. Larger files in PSD, BMP or TIFF format can be accepted, but may be rejected by some web servers if too large.
All questions regarding South Atlantic Chronicle are to be directed to:
Mr. John Coyle
Editor, South Atlantic Chronicle
Post Office Box 297
New Farm QLD 4005
E-mail editor (at) shatps.org
Read a sample article on Tristan da Cunha - Operation ARGUS
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